Project 2 Group Critique

Photo used: Sunset at Home, 2016, Nancy Fu

The choice in colors and the character style matches Ready Player One with the idea of an 80’s theme in the way the character is drawn. The avatar seems to fit into the OASIS world as a commoner, because of the lack of weapons that are apparent. Her headband and turtle neck sweater makes me think of the 80’s as well. To match the 80’s theme there could be brighter colors used for the outfit or the background of the poster. There isn’t much typography or hierarchy in the project, however, a suggestion might be to list the items the avatar is wearing, or certain character traits, skills, or abilities so that the person looking at the poster can be aware of who this character is. Using different colors can highlight what is and isn’t important to create a contrast for the reader. The character’s shirt can be edited to look more even by using different kinds of shapes to build a shirt. This can also be accomplished by using the pen tool in illustrator, since it allows you to grab different anchor points using the direct select tool. With the gradient on the sunglasses or glasses, by using the gradient tool you can change the direction of the gradient, with this it can change the character’s glasses to look like there is light reflecting at the same angle. Shapes using different colors could also be built into the background to provide the background a textured look aside from just having the background be plainly white. The avatar could also be bigger because that is what the poster should be mainly focused on and the details of the character could be smaller.

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