Project 4 Group Critque

Photo used: Mountains from Within the Car, 2016, Nancy Fu

For Janae’s Project 4 her choices for the interview questions seemed to have related to Ready Player One because she asks about different uses of technology and how much technology has advanced throughout time. Much like the book there were different uses of the technological items and the advancements in such short of time. Many of the items that were mentioned aren’t even very relevant today. Her interview reflects some of the StoryCorp aspects when Janae asks about certain questions there are anecdotes about how much the past has changed from now and it was interesting much like StoryCorp to hear other people’s opinions and experiences. The transitions throughout the audio project is very smooth. The interview doesn’t sound choppy at all. I liked how smoothly the edits were. However, I feel like maybe the music could be extended and faded out towards the end because the audio kind of feels like it comes to an abrupt stopping point. The introduction to the audio is very beneficial because she explains who she is interviewing and the reason why she is interviewing him. The supplementary music allows for the interview to feel lively and happy. It sets the tone to be relaxed and it allows the listener to really enjoy the interview. Yet, I feel like the volume on the supplementary music could be quieter because sometimes it is hard to listen to the interview conversation because the music sounds overpowering. I could imagine the 5-minute cut being played on the radio, because there really has been a lot that changed throughout technology. The mention of floppy disks and flip phones that once flipped out to full keyboards aren’t even used now and they are hard to find because of the new technological age. So I feel like this conversation would be a relevant topic to listen to on the radio.

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