Blog Post #1

About Me

I am 19 years old and currently an undergraduate student at Washington State University (WSU) located in Pullman, Washington. I am currently trying to pursue a double major in Computer Science as well as Digital Technology and Culture (DTC). I enjoy the use of digital design as well as physical designs such as painting and drawing.

The Class

I registered for this class because I had originally heard of this class while I was taking DTC 101. I had felt like I would take interest in this class because of the variety of subjects that would be covered throughout the new class that was offered. I was mostly interested in how technology can be seen around different digital environments.

I think digital inclusion is the idea of how technology is much like an umbrella. There are plenty of ideas and concepts that digital inclusion covers. Mostly I feel like digital inclusion is the involvement of both people and the data in technology itself. Normally people are the ones to operate technological machinery and data. Much of which I feel like falls underneath the digital inclusion category.

Throughout this course I hope to learn how digital inclusion affects the world around me, as I grow up with this technological generation. With this class I also hope to learn how digital inclusion can help with the future of my two majors.


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