Blog Post #3, The Problem With The Internet

image used: Kind, Derek. Overlooking the City. Ensign Peak, SLC, Utah. July 3, 2015. 500px. Web. 7 February 2018.

Do we really understand the internet?

Even though we are use the internet so much, are we really aware of what else is around us? Is it really benefiting anyone?

Understanding that the internet is not invisible but there are still places that aren’t apparent to us as internet users in America. Much like the photo I chose, the city lights represents all the people who have access to the internet. This representation shows that even though there are so many people out there with access, this person who is standing alone is not connected. This person represents the sides of the internet we don’t even really think about. We don’t think much of what goes on behind the scenes of the internet even though we are so involved with social media, as well as being involved in technology. Though the internet is made to show how inclusive we can all be, it really isn’t the most inclusive space. Though we could try to change the internet but even when we try to, we start to realize that there are plenty of loopholes through the internet. The biggest example of this, is through the company Google. The most popular search engine site. Helping many people complete research papers, understanding interesting facts, and much more. But what goes on in such a big company? We often hear about how cool the Google campus is, with all it’s advanced technology for their employees, but we don’t hear about all the sides of the story. From our in-class reading, we read about how even in an inclusive company such as Google, there are still times that somethings that are present in Google raise red flags. Though there is always a good and bad side to each idea. The internet sometimes isn’t monitored enough, at the same time we see the problem that if the internet is too monitored it challenges the problem of respecting the user’s privacy.


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