Digital Reflection 2


I chose the format of using an info-graphic because I enjoyed the customization of designing my own info-graphic. It”s an easier way to convey information because I still am not well versed in audio and video creations. Plus an info-graphic creates a visual pleasing way to display all my ideas onto one easy to read poster. I had wanted a way for the eye to move around so to do so I created arrows that pointed from one topic to the next. The arrows help guide the eye in the direction that I wanted the viewer to read it in, as well as it helps show the hierarchy in the definitions that I had created.

I truly believe that these are the main concepts when thinking about digital inclusion. There are many ways and activities for digital inclusion to come about. And I feel like as a student and a citizen it is important to recognize these differences. Although when I first thought of digital inclusion I had thought of it as “technology is dependent on a geological and social aspects in many ways” I now understand that there is much more to this umbrella term of digital inclusion. Although, yes, there are geological and social aspect to the term, the people who make up the internet are also important.  Understanding the importance of having a voice in media can change a way of how a place is viewed as well. So instead of digital inclusion being focused on only two aspects I’ve learned throughout class that there are many of other aspects that are involved in the term digital inclusion.

Blog Post #7

Normally I’m very bad at video games so I shy away from them. But after hearing about what the game “Never Alone” was about it had interested me into buying it and trying it out for myself. I’ll admit, the first 15 minutes of playing it was not a fun time because it’s difficult to navigate two players with barely an experience on PC gaming. But slowly I started getting used to the game. I love the character design and the development of the story as it goes on.

Image result for never alone story artwork

The concept art between the story and the three dimensional game was so enjoyable because you can really tell the developers had spent the time and effort to trying to make the artwork seem like it’d be something you witness on the wall of a cave. The elderly that voices over the story just adds another touch to why this game is successful in my opinion. Not only do they include the language but the story is nicely integrated into the game so it doesn’t feel forced.

Image result for kisima ingitchuna

The game also has a clever way of embedding video stories of actual people to relate to the chapter of the game. Every time the owl would show up there’d be another clip, and you can really tell how the developers incorporated these actual stories into the development of each level in the game. It’s incredible to listen and watch the videos, cause often times we don’t connect video games to real life.

I feel like this could be a great start to something, and maybe helping people in understanding how certain cultures are so we don’t blanket stereotype certain aspects of culture for people. But, honestly I enjoy the aesthetics of the artwork in this game and how well everything had been integrated.  Mostly cause sometimes when people try and make educational video games they aren’t putting in all the time and effort to really understand or get to know a culture, they’ll  just create it and hope that people will enjoy it.

Blog Post #4

While looking at the two apps Pillow and Sleep Cycle the two have a lot in common for the most part in it’s basic functions. However, I think that Sleep Cycle doesn’t incorporate affordability as well as Pillow does. The access for the app costs a lot more when you purchase the in app subscription.  Although this app provides more languages to the user the usage of this app doesn’t seem that beneficial to everyone unless you want to have detailed charting of how you’re sleeping at night. The alarm in the app also wakes you up a lot sooner than Pillow does. Pillow allows for the user to use the app alone or to use the app with a smartwatch. The information is also stored into the Apple health app to keep track of how you’re sleeping in your health app. I believe in terms of inclusion Pillow is the best app because it’s also more user friendly, they provide a screen that allows you to ask questions and provide the company feedback on their app as well.

Blog Post #3, The Problem With The Internet

image used: Kind, Derek. Overlooking the City. Ensign Peak, SLC, Utah. July 3, 2015. 500px. Web. 7 February 2018.

Do we really understand the internet?

Even though we are use the internet so much, are we really aware of what else is around us? Is it really benefiting anyone?

Understanding that the internet is not invisible but there are still places that aren’t apparent to us as internet users in America. Much like the photo I chose, the city lights represents all the people who have access to the internet. This representation shows that even though there are so many people out there with access, this person who is standing alone is not connected. This person represents the sides of the internet we don’t even really think about. We don’t think much of what goes on behind the scenes of the internet even though we are so involved with social media, as well as being involved in technology. Though the internet is made to show how inclusive we can all be, it really isn’t the most inclusive space. Though we could try to change the internet but even when we try to, we start to realize that there are plenty of loopholes through the internet. The biggest example of this, is through the company Google. The most popular search engine site. Helping many people complete research papers, understanding interesting facts, and much more. But what goes on in such a big company? We often hear about how cool the Google campus is, with all it’s advanced technology for their employees, but we don’t hear about all the sides of the story. From our in-class reading, we read about how even in an inclusive company such as Google, there are still times that somethings that are present in Google raise red flags. Though there is always a good and bad side to each idea. The internet sometimes isn’t monitored enough, at the same time we see the problem that if the internet is too monitored it challenges the problem of respecting the user’s privacy.


Blog Post #2

Web and Mobile Technology

Image Source:

Web & Mobile Technology, Blue Lobster, 2018,

I had chosen this image to represent digital inclusion because of the way everything lays out on the map, the icons represents different ideas and how everything is in connection to another. As we mentioned earlier in class about how technology is dependent on a geological and social aspects in many ways; I had decided that this image was a good representation, because it shows not only a geological aspect with the map being involved, but also a social aspect as well, because the person is holding a smartphone that is projecting the map image.


Blog Post #1

About Me

I am 19 years old and currently an undergraduate student at Washington State University (WSU) located in Pullman, Washington. I am currently trying to pursue a double major in Computer Science as well as Digital Technology and Culture (DTC). I enjoy the use of digital design as well as physical designs such as painting and drawing.

The Class

I registered for this class because I had originally heard of this class while I was taking DTC 101. I had felt like I would take interest in this class because of the variety of subjects that would be covered throughout the new class that was offered. I was mostly interested in how technology can be seen around different digital environments.

I think digital inclusion is the idea of how technology is much like an umbrella. There are plenty of ideas and concepts that digital inclusion covers. Mostly I feel like digital inclusion is the involvement of both people and the data in technology itself. Normally people are the ones to operate technological machinery and data. Much of which I feel like falls underneath the digital inclusion category.

Throughout this course I hope to learn how digital inclusion affects the world around me, as I grow up with this technological generation. With this class I also hope to learn how digital inclusion can help with the future of my two majors.