Abstract for Major Project #2

After taking the personality test, I received INTP-T as my result. Each letter means a certain thing about my personality.  INTP-T stands for, introverted, intuitive, thinking, prospecting and turbulent. The test declared I had the personality of a logician. My supposed strengths are my abilities in analyzation, abstract thinking and open-mindedness among others. My weaknesses include my tendency to be private and withdrawn, my insensitivity, being of an absent mind as well as being condescending towards others. I don’t know if this personality test actually applies to me as the test itself is a little to generalized for me to provide any super accurate answers about myself. And the test results themselves don’t really apply to me as a person and I would even go as far as to say they are in fact inaccurate. For the second major project required of us this semester, my intended audience for my presentation is my close friends. Since we are required to use social media as a source of information in our presentations to provide context to our personality, my friends would understand the reasoning behind why I post most of the things I post. My presentation will be primarily built media from both my twitter and my Instagram and also there will be some information about how I behave on either of these sites and what it has to do with my personality test results