What I Do Online.

After reading the article it has become clear to me that my browsing history is not my private information. It is most likely being collected by data mining agencies and distributed to companies. I’ve noticed this before. If I ever wanted something that I was going to order online, most of the time I thoroughly researched the product to make sure that it was a good purchase. However, even after purchasing the product, I would see advertisements on websites for products similar to those that I have purchased being advertised. This includes video games, clothes, disc golf equipment and soccer equipment just to name a few. I often will leisurely browse through amazon looking for products that I need. For example, I was looking at LED light strips to put in my room for decoration. That following week, on completely unrelated websites, I would see advertisements for LED light strips and other related lighting products. I am not surprised Amazon collects user browsing history. By doing so would prove to be very profitable to them as their entire business model is online purchasing. If they can increase traffic through their website then they will make more money. A very easy way to increase traffic through their website is to list advertisements of products on their site that they believe the user will want based on the user’s browsing history. I believe that browsing data will become more and more valuable and be collected more and more as our society develops further into this digital age. However, with this development what we consider to be our privacy becomes less and less apparent.