Before and after photos of the latest Rent-a-Ranger team effort in the Lettered Streets neighborhood.
Boxes and Bags for Barcelona
On Saturday, May 13, a small caravan of cars, pickup trucks and SUVs lined up at the Bellingham Value Village for the team clothing drive official weigh-in. Our large collection of gently used clothing and small household items raised $867 towards our team soccer training trip to Barcelona. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this successful project!
Mulching Madness
Sprucing up for Springtime
Half-acre winter clean up
Two Rent-A-Ranger crews were out on Earth Day: Four Ranger players tackled winter clean up for a half-acre yard near Lake Whatcom, clearing fallen branches and raking leaves, and move it all to the edge of the lot. And another team at another home dug a curtain drain, cleared a stump, and spread 15 yards of beauty bark.
Painting and (un)Planting
On a rainy day in February, a team of 10 players, 2 parents, and our coach tackled two big jobs for a homeowner in Edgemoor: painting the interior of the garage and digging out some overgrown shrubs. What a great experience extending our teamwork off the field!
The handwritten thank you note really made our day!
Hedges away!
Stacking up
Rangers helped a Lake Whatcom family prepare for winter by splitting and stacking firewood, cleaning up wooded trails, and cutting back shrubs around the house.
“The young men were such a pleasure to work with. Everyone had a great attitude and a great work ethic. We are so very grateful for the amazing work.” — Betsy and Bill L.