Summer Fiesta

“Barcelona or Bust” at Boundary Bay

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Thank you to everyone who attended our event and donated items for the silent auction.

Check out the photo gallery >>

The silent auction featured a wonderful array of goods and services:

Mt. Baker lift tickets
A week in Palm Springs
Mt. Baker Theatre
UpFront Theater
Dawn Matthes Photography
Stones Throw Brewery
Aslan Brewery
Kulshan Brewery
Adirondak chair & firepit
4th of July picnic set
WWU soccer camp
Woods Coffee
Fat Pie & Zanes Burger
Quins AirBnB
Vital Choice
Slo Pitch
Hammerhead Coffee
“Mancave” basket
Coleman Party Ball BBQ
Shock Top cruiser bike
Benchmaster chair & ottoman
Coors Light cooler
MLS Pro official match soccer ball
Sportsplex Youth Camp
Terrain Gym
Lake Whatcom cabin weekend
Oyster dinner for 12
Half-day Snowmobile Tour
Plus goods and services from these fine establishments:

  BoundaryBayLogo      HemplersLogoSanJanCruises_logo    DryatonHarborOysterLogo 

Thank you to Boundary Bay for the posters!