
I created this poster to showcase my font design. I designed my own font using Adobe Illustrator. My font is inspired by the opening song of the TV show Bondi Rescue called “In the Summertime” by Thirsty Merc. Spring 2018 – English 336.

In this project, I created two patterns using four different color schemes. The goal was to create a geometric and an organic pattern using only letters. After creating the structure of the pattern I used different color schemes and experimented with the look of the pattern. Spring 2018 – English 336

This poster was inspired by the book Ready Player One by Earnest Cline. Our job was to design an avatar who could have been a character in the book. Fall 2017 – DTC 201.

This is a personal logo I created using Adobe Illustrator. This was one of the first logos I created. Using an image of my camera I outlined the body and created a vector image. My love of photography prompted this logo. Spring 2017 – COM 210.