
This site is an example site on Crimson Pages for how your DTC Portfolios should look.

On your home page/landing page you should welcome people to your site.

This looks different depending on each site.  Here are some examples from your instructors:

Kristin Carlson Becker
Kim Christen
Ruth Gregory
Rebecca Goodrich
Leeann Hunter
Anna Plemons
Roger Whitson

By no means are the above options all your can do with your Home page.  This is one point where we recommend that you great creative!

Adjusting Your Menu

Here are instructions to adjust your menu: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide

Getting Started

Login to your Crimson Pages site by navigating to: https://crimsonpages.org/yourfirstname-yourlastname/wp-login.php

Your login info is the same Network ID information you use all over campus.

Change your site’s title and tagline description in General Settings.

1) The title of your site should be “YourFirstName YourLastName”
2) The tagline should be “Digital Technology & Culture”

Under Appearance choose a theme that you like.

Use the Customizer to modify WSU Spine options and customize several parts of your site.

Add Pages and modify Menus to begin building out your site.

Your site/menu must have 4 pages:

1) a Home/Landing page
2) an About page
3) a Portfolio page
4) a Blog post page (you will need to rename this page as a “Blog”)

Add Posts to your Blog share updates on your work with the world.

Join the WSU Web Slack team to discuss your site with the WSU web community.

Attend Open Labs on Friday mornings to do the same in person.
Subscribe to posts on web.wsu.edu to receive updates on the web at WSU.