Digital Curation


Sulaiman Ambusaidi is a student at Washington State University. He is majoring digital technology and culture. He chose DTC as a major because he wants to learn about multimedia authoring. He learned so many things from DTC classes. One of the things he learned from the program was 3d animation. He did very good on 3d animation and won an award from DTC program at the show case of Fall 2017. Also, he learned some of adobe programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and other programs. He is enjoying his major and he is looking forward to learning more about multimedia. DTC major did a very great job teaching the students about multimedia. For example, DTC 375 is an interesting class that covers some history of multimedia authoring. Students in this class made two historical analysis projects. Sulaiman’s projects were about Babbage’s difference engine and text adventure games.


Babbage’s Difference Engine

In this page, you will find an interesting information and history about Babbage’s difference engine. The article starts with a brief history of Babbage’s life and his inventions. It includes a description of two versions of his difference engine. Also, it includes what came before and after his inventions.

Keywords: difference engine, Babbage, logical operations, computer, steam engine


Text Adventure Games

In this page, you will find a historical analysis of text adventure games. First, you will understand what text games are and how they work. Second, you will see some examples of a popular text adventure games. Finally, you will learn about what came before and after these games.

Keywords: text adventure, text games, Zork, video games, programming language