Charles Babbage was a British mathematician, inventor, and mechanical engineer. He was born in London in December, 1791 and died in October, 1871. He invented the first programmable computer in 1821. He called it “Difference Engine.” This engine was built to calculate polynomial functions. It could calculate series of numbers automatically and print them in a table. Also, it considered being the first complete automatic calculator. Babbage did not complete his full build of the engine in his time because of the conflict between Babbage and his workman. Instead, he decided to invent the second version of the same engine. His second engine was completed between 1847 and 1849. This engine was much simpler than the first engine. It just required about a third of the first engine parts, while it could provide same computing power. In between these two engines, Babbage built his analytical engine. This engine is much smarter and it could be used for general purposes because it could compute logical operations and it is much closer to the modern computers. However, on this page, I will only focus on the first and the second difference engines. I will go over these engines in depth and explain the capabilities of the two engines.
Difference Engine No. 1
Difference Engine was the first programmable computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1821. He made it calculate polynomial functions that were used by engineers. Babbage was a scientist which he did not have the skills to build the engine. Though, he asked Joseph Clement to help him building it because Clement was a master toolmaker that could help him make the parts of the engine. The weight of the engine was estimated to be about four tons and held 25,000 parts.
Babbage and Clement started to build the engine. In 1833, they stopped working on the engine because Clement wanted his compensation of moving his workshop near to Babbage’s house. Then, Babbage did not complete the engine after that conflict and about 12,000 parts were melted and thrown for scrap. This project was a big failure for British Government because they spent £17,500 and Babbage never completed the engine.

This picture shows a portion of Babbage’s first difference engine. This portion was used for show case to get the fund from the government.
Difference Engine No. 2
Babbage completed his second Difference Engine between 1847 and 1849 which was an improved version of his first Difference Engine. This engine can take up to thirty-one digits which means it could calculate up to seventh order of any polynomial equation. Also, the engine was only required about a third of the parts the first engine need and it gave same power of computation which made it much simpler and much easier to build than the first engine.
The second Difference Engine additionally had a superior feature which is a printer that prints all of the calculated values on paper. The printer organizes the text in a table that contains different variables such as line height, numbers of columns, column margins, column wrapping, and it leaves a free space between a couple lines to make it an easily readable text.

This is the second Difference Engine build by Science Museum in 1991. This was the first fully finished engine where Babbage did not build the full engine in his time. They tested it and it terns out working very well with out any problems. The most important part of this machine was the printer as Babbage stated because he wants to avoid any mistakes that made by the person who is going to write the answers down.
Technologies came Before Babbage’s Engine
Steam engine was the first generated power by human and a significant revolution in 1700s. It was the most used power in factories at that time. Also, it was the main power of the trains and the ships. it speeded up the industries and the transportations. It replaced the wind, the animals, and the water power. Charles Babbage was inspired by this revolution which made him build his engines in 1800s. Then he started the next revolution which was the computer and programing revolution.
Technologies came After Babbage’s Engine
Digital revolution came after Babbage’s inventions which he was considered to be the first inventor of the digital computers. After his invention, a lot of digital inventions show up and the most important invention was the digital electronic computer. The computer helped us work faster and more accurate than ever before. Also, it had been used in factories and the modern technologies like airplanes, ships, and cars.
Babbage’s designs made a new revolution in the 19th century. His inventions changed the understanding of mathematic calculation and he made it much faster. His Difference Engine changed the way of calculating the polynomial functions. He was considered to be the first inventor of the modern technology which is the computer. He brought his ideas from steam engine, mechanics, and mathematics to invent a new technology we use today.
The Babbage Engine. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
Alchin, L. (n.d.). Inventions Timeline. Retrieved February 20, 2018, from
Science Museum Group. Difference Engine No 1. 1862-89. Science Museum Group Collection Online. Accessed February 19, 2018.
Science Museum Group. Babbage’s Difference Engine No 2, 2000.. 1992-556. Science Museum Group Collection Online. Accessed February 20, 2018.